strStr 13
For a given source string and a target string, you should output the first index(from 0) of target string in source string.
If target does not exist in source, just return -1.
Do I need to implement KMP Algorithm in a real interview?
Not necessary. When you meet this problem in a real interview, the interviewer may just want to test your basic implementation ability. But make sure your confirm with the interviewer first.
If source = "source" and target = "target", return -1.
If source = "abcdabcdefg" and target = "bcd", return 1.
O(n2) is acceptable. Can you implement an O(n) algorithm? (hint: KMP)
这里再额外解释一下在求next数组时,为什么要求P[0]···P[k-1]这个子串中最大相同前后缀。其实是因为P[k]和P[q]失配,导致之前的最长前后缀必然要缩小来看有没有可能在之后能够使得P[k]和P[q]匹配。因此,我们其实要减少的是P[q-k] ··· P[q-1],看看在其之间有没有一个位置j使得P[j]...p[q-1]和P[0]...P[k'-1]为新的最长前后缀并且P[k']和P[q]能够匹配。但是因为P[q-k] ··· P[q-1]与P[0] ···P[k-1]相同(之前的最长前后缀),因此上面说的对P[0] ···P[k-1]字串作用得到的结果一样,所以我们要求P[0]···P[k-1]这个子串中最大相同前后缀,其实背后的本质是求P[q-k] ··· P[q-1]这个子串中最大相同前后缀。
public class Solution {
public int strStr(String haystack, String needle) {
if(haystack == null || needle == null || needle.length() > haystack.length()){
return -1;
if(needle.length() == 0){
return 0;
// int res = -1;
// for(int i = 0; i < haystack.length(); i++){
// if(haystack.length() - i >= needle.length() && haystack.charAt(i) == needle.charAt(0)){
// res = i;
// int pos = i + 1;
// for(int j = 1; j < needle.length(); j++){
// if(haystack.charAt(pos++) != needle.charAt(j)){
// res = -1;
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// if(res != -1){
// return res;
// }
// }
// return res;
int n = haystack.length();
int m = needle.length();
char[] orig = haystack.toCharArray();
char[] target = needle.toCharArray();
int[] next = getNextArray(target);
int q, p;
for(q = 0, p = 0; q < n; q++){
while(p > 0 && orig[q] != target[p]){
p = next[p - 1];
if(orig[q] == target[p]){
if(p == m){
return q - m + 1;
return -1;
private int[] getNextArray(char[] target){
int len = target.length;
int[] next = new int[len];
next[0] = 0;
int k = 0;
for(int i = 1; i < len; i++){
while(k > 0 && target[i] != target[k]){
k = next[k - 1];
if(target[i] == target[k]){
next[i] = k;
return next;