219. Contains Duplicate II
Given an array of integers and an integer k, find out whether there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that nums[i] = nums[j] and the difference between i and j is at most k.
这道题和Contains Duplicate I思路一样,但是因为多了index的差的范围的限制,考虑sliding windows,即window每次向右移动一格,添加新遇到的元素,删除最左边的元素,这样就能保证index的差在一定范围内。其他和Contains Duplicate I一样。
public class Solution {
public boolean containsNearbyDuplicate(int[] nums, int k) {
if (nums == null || nums.length <= 1) {
return false;
HashSet<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
if (i > k) {
set.remove(nums[i - k - 1]);
if (!set.add(nums[i])) {
return true;
return false;